Fantastic service. The flower bouquet was so big and colourful many thanks for a great service!
Tony Barlow
Sunteti fantastici!
Multumesc echipei FloridelLux pentru serviciile de calitate ,livrare impecabila si un aranjament floral deosebit!De obicei apelam la alt distributor pentru ai comanda mamei mele flori . Am descoperit pe net FlorideLux iar aranjamentele lor arata grozav foarte incantata de mesajul primit cu o zi inainte sa ma asigure ca aranjamentul floral corespunde cerintelor mele. Sunteti fantastici va multumesc!
Mioara Kamel
For me was an awesome experience, due the fact person love it . Everything look great, specially the fact manage to arrange the delivery, same day in the time request. Keep working like that :)